Saturday, January 11, 2014

He decided to "Pop the Question"

  We met July 26, 2012 , we started officially dating April 5, 2013 and got engaged on July 27, 2013.

The day he asked me to marry him. Well as you all know by know we met at the Snowflake rodeo that passed summer and it was coming up again for this next year. My Mom, John, my brother, two of my step brothers and their wives and my two step sisters were all wanting to go the Rodeo this year! I was so excited how fun is that we can all go! Zacks family was also planning on driving the 40 min from their town to attend. What a fun party this will be. I also found out that my Dad's "brother" from Japan would be coming to for a high school reunion and his kids were planning on coming too. I haven't seen them in years and I could't wait to have everyone together and see them all.

I am not going to lie working at a Jewelry store at that time I picked out the ring I wanted so I figured he was going to ask me soon of course this made me so nervous.... praying a lot, counsling with my mom and others seeing what they thought and trying to decide if I knew it was right that if he asked me I knew I could say yes and should. As usual I got it confirmed to me by many people and my the Lord that it was up to me but this was a great guy to Marry and he would be perfect for me. That scared me of course! I still didn't really know what I was going to do but I had to decided fast... I loved his family, we went up again for mothers day so he could skype with his brother that is on a mission and I met him through skype. He is a great guy and he approved of me. My family loved him and he loved my family. There really wasn't any reason for me to say no. Out of all my guy friend he truly was the best. My heart was pounding haha.

We were all gathered at my Aunt and Uncles house (side note this is the house that my Daddy grew up in so it is very special to me) we had dinner and hung out and talked till it was time to go to the rodeo. Sadly it started POURING rain.... and we figured the rodeo would be canceled which would mean the dance would be too. We were all planning on going to both things. A few of us decided to attempt to go to the Rodeo anyways we got there and it was pouring! One happy thing about this is that I finally got my kiss in the rain! check that off my bucket list.  We went back to my Aunt and Uncles house and I was freezing i was going to go change and my mom was like NO! We will just dry your shirt. That wasn't fishy or anything..... Zack was running around like crazy and acting really strange... I knew it.. something was up. I came out of my room from drying my shirt and everyone was gone... I didn't know where they went. the kids were playing a game in the front from but everyone else was gone.

Suddenly Zack came up behind me and scared me!! He said well the dance may or may not be canceled but it is not raining much here and I really wanted to get a dance with you up here since that is how we met. What a romantic he is ( Learned that from his Dad) ;) We went outside and his car lights were on shining on us and his sister hit play and this song started. As we started dancing this random guy came out of no where and stared video taping us. I knew it was coming oh my gosh I was freaking out...... The song continued and it said

  "I've been dying to ask you one burning question... Will you be mine?" As I heard those words Zack spinned me out and when I spun back in he was down on one knee and pulled the ring out of his cowboy hat. I literally almost tripped he said "Will you Marry me RiAnne"? I sat there for what probably seemed like eternity to him... and then I said " YES!" After that I found out where everyone was they all came out behind the cars and were clapping and taking pictures! This song was like 5 min long... but we finished the song. and my little cousins that were inside yelled out the window " did you say yes RiAnne" as I started laughing I said yes I did and they ran outside. I went and hugged my mom first and she told me she was proud of me for taking the courage to make this step in my life. I then hugged my brother followed by my step siblings, the cousins Aunts and Uncles and Zacks' family. Well it was official I was ENGAGED!!

He finally got me to "Date" him

    One of my guy friends called and asked if I wanted to participate in a swing dance class/ competition. Of course! I couldn't refuse. Practice started the following Tuesday. Unforuntely for me I only made it through two classes. My partner and I were practicing a swing lift and even though it was easy and we had done it a thousand times over I still managed to fracture my femur bone and was in the doctors office that next morning getting a crutches and a brace.

   I remember that following day at school Zack saw me on crutches and ran right over and offered to hold my backpack and help me to class. He was such a sweet guy to help me. My Mom and step father John came into town that weekend and I happened to be speaking in church that Sunday. What the luck.

   That Saturday I invited Zack over to meet my mom. I don't know why I was so nervous I wasn't even dating this guy and I wasn't really planning on doing so anytime soon. Whatever the case I was nervous... I remember he knocked on the door and I yelled "Mom are you ready"? She came out to the kitchen. I nervously opened the door, invited Zack in and gave him a hug. We went to the kicthen and I introduced him to my mom she said that she liked him at first sight haha. He met John, my brother and my two step sisters and we all went into the family room to talk. It was a good chat and I could tell that everyone got along well.
(That was the first ... the guys I dated in the past at least one person had a problem with something he did).

On April 5, 2013 he got me. He planned our first official date as a dating couple and my mom encouraged me for the first time to put in a relationship on my facebook page. It was one of the HARDEST things to do haha, but I did it and off we went. He blind folded me and took me to where he was living at that point. He had a candle light dinner waiting for us and then we had a night swim and watched a chick flick called "the Perfect Man" we played some games and he had me home by 11.

The chase continues...

   The semester continued and Zack and I still didn't really talk, except if we passed each other in the hall or something at school. I remember in April I was at the Country Swing Dance place and Zack came up to me and asked me to dance.  I didn't know what to expect but he said he was sorry for being a jerk and not calling me ever he felt bad and asked if I would forgive him and we could start over as friends. I said of course and then he left. I didn't think much of it, except oh yay another good guy FRIEND. Oh well I loved having a ton of those.

    It was the end of March and midterms had just finished for me, what a relief. However when it comes to  math...I am always in trouble. I usually go to the Institute building and try to find guys that can help me. ;) It usually worked pretty well and I usually got a date of it too what can I say. I am kind of a big deal! As I was getting help on math I remember seeing Zack walk into the building I gave him the nod and said hi and went back to my homework. The guys that were helping me had class so they left and that is when Zack snuck in.

He came and sat next to me and asked how I was doing, you know the small talk thing. Then he asked me if I remembered the steps to a specific line dance that he was teaching for like a mutual class or something.  I said yes and we went outside so I could show him the steps. Once he got it down we went back inside. I was packing up my things to head back to the college campus and Zack asked me what my plans were for the weekend. Being the sneaky girl that I was,

 I said " I don't know, I probably will get asked on a couple dates, go to a couple parties or something like that, why do you ask?"

He then began to tell me that he was from a small town called Joseph City and it was founders day this coming weekend. Full of parades blah blah and DANCING. He asked me if I would want to go. We would leave Saturday when I got off of work and come back Sunday before sun down. I told him that I would think about it and let me know later that night.

I remember my mom wasn't answering her phone and I really needed advice , so when I got to work that day I jumped onto facebook and started asking any of my aunts and uncles that were online what they thought I should do. They asked me a couple questions but to surprise they all told me to go. Eventually my mom called me back and said go.

I texted Zack and told him that I could go with him but that I worked that next day till 2 or 3 so I understood if he wanted to just leave. He said know he would wait. WEIRD! Why did everyone say I could go UGH this was going to be interesting.

Lucky for Zack I got off at 2pm that day so we were on the road about 3:00. It is a three and a half hour drive so I came up with a bunch of questions to ask him so that it didn't get awkward. As we began our drive there it hit me that we would be staying with his family! WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!! Wait a minute we aren't even dating and I am going to meet the family! What the heck are they going to think.. I was in constant panic from that point forward. Nonetheless I tried not to show it.

Three and a half hours and a TON of random questions later we made it to his house. Umm one word SMALL TOWN, not stop lights and like two stop signs. I could throw a rock across this town. Oh well. We got inside his house thank goodness I was freezing! We were first greeted by his sister that was 17 at the time. She was so sweet and gave me a hug I was so nervous but it was good to meet her. I would be staying with her so I put my stuff in her room. We discovered that everyone else was at this so called dance and so that is where we went. We got there and were greeted by Zacks' parents they are very kind. Hugged me and started asking questions about me and then paid for us to get into the dance I thanked them and we went in. Wow! I was a little overwhelmed and didn't know what to think....but once we started dancing I felt better I just got lost in the dance and started to relax and have fun. His parents joined us and we talked I danced with Zacks' dad so we could chat. I could tell with a small town people were probably wondering who I was and what was going on ...great I thought. After the fun dance was over I met Zacks grandparents on his dads side and then all of Zacks brothers and sisters except the one brother that was and is on a mission right now. We then went back to his house and Zack his parents and I stayed up late talking and playing games it was fun and awkward at the same time. haha.

     The next morning was church, their ward is at 8:30am YEAH in the morning! I was the first one up I showered and got my make up on FAST and then set on the couch and rid my scriptures till the family came out. After church we helped make lunch and ate. That is when the questions started. They asked all about my family and then of course how I felt about Zack and if we were dating and stuff. Oh geese got to love it :) It was fun thought he has a great family. I am grateful for them being so nice to me and making me feel welcome. I was so happy to be going home though. What an eventful weekend.

When I started to fall for this small town COWBOY

      This next story a lot of people don't know about but I figure it might as well be told as it is very special to me.  A couple months later after our first he didn't really talk to much but I always invited him to my movie nights/game nights. He usually didn't show up but I didn't give up either.
    This particular night was in December. I figured he was still dating this girl and I was kind of dating this guy that was in town he attended school in another state so it was hard; however this was over Christmas break so he was in town and we decided to watch the movie "Newsies" it was a Sunday night and surprisingly not a lot of people in my group of friends has seen it.  Anyways the one time Zack decided to show up I was with another guy perfect!! I still tried to make him feel welcome and introduced him to everyone.

    About half way through the movie I was feeling terrible.. I was born with some health issues and sometimes it just gets bad. Well my bro was gone or something I don't remember and I felt that I really needed a blessing. Lucky for me I had a ton of return missionary strong priesthood holders at my house. I texted three of them individually and asked if they could give me a blessing when the movie was over. One of the guys I decided to ask was Zack. They all agreed. The movie ended and we got a chair and I had the oil, we were ready to go. I asked the guy I was kind of with to do the first part and then for some reason I asked Zack if he would perform the blessing (that was brave of me haha) he accepted.

    I don't remember much of what he said but I remember the feeling I had. It was so special and I felt safe having him perform this amazing blessing for me. I opened my eyes and hugged the other boys telling them thanks I remember hugging Zack and telling him thanks and something just struck me I knew there was something special about this guy. I hopped to keep him under the radar.

It was a really neat experience and I am grateful that he was a worthy priesthood holder that was willing to perform the blessing for me.

The boy by the name of Zack

   Well... school started up again and I was going crazy with eighteen credit hours at school, a lab, and working. Lucky for me I had a job where I could do my homework at work. What a blessing that was. It had been about a month of so sine I had heard from this Zack guy but at this point I was over it. It was fun but I moved on to other guys and stayed really busy.

   Fast Forward to October, I was dating tons of guys and hosting as well as attending a ton of parties life was busy but fun. I had ran into this Zack guy a couple times at parties and this dance place I went to almost every Wednesday but he was currently dating a girl I graduated with so whatever. To my surprise he called me and asked me on a date on October 17, 2012. He was living with his Uncle that happened to live right by my work so I decided to be nice and just say that I could meet him at his place. I got there and he came out and we got into his car this is how our first date played out....

       He is a Crossfit trainer so he took me to the gym he works at and he went through an insane circuit workout...I thought I was going to pass out (side note I didn't really eat much that day) haha. After that I got to meet his boss and hear all about Zack and his competitions that he participates in and what a "beast" he is. haha Well that's good to hear, kinda cool that he does that stuff. I wish I would have known him bettter then to be able to see him do a competition but that's history. Next we went and got take out at Chipotle ( I love my Mexican food) we went back to his place and ate and then we decided to go swimming. It's kind of cold since it is October but I decided to not be a chicken. As we got to the pool he totally pushed me in!!!!!! What the heck! He will tell this story differently but here is mine

      He jumped in the pool and of course as a trainer he has a great stomach and chest.. WOW!! We talked and swam around and the he grabbed me and kissed me! I didn't know how to react but I will admit I kissed him back. Well that was our first date what can I say. Well he once again proved himself as a JERK as he didn't call me at all after the date. Day after day passed by with nothing no phone call or text. I was kinda upset oh well it was a fun fling.


Cowboys, Rodeo's and Country Swing Dancing

        The annual Snowflake Rodeo is something that I looked forward to. My dad grew up in Snowflake and it is always a great feeling to be there. This was the first year that I was going with out my mom and family; however I was super excited to have my first little road trip with three of my guys friends

       I arranged to stay with my Aunt and Uncle in Snowflake and my friends stayed at their parents house of course the next town over. The next day was the rodeo. There is always so much more going on though: Parades, Craft fairs, Horse rides and much more. We did a little bit of everything. Then off to the Rodeo!ks at the end they are so pretty!

     This is where things get interesting. My friend that I went up with said that we would be attending a rodeo YSA dance. As much as I love country swing dancing this was a small town and less face it I didn't know what to expect. However I agreed and off we went. When we got there I stuck with him since we was the only one I knew. As the night went on I ran into some of the girls I graduated with that I haven't seen in a while and we had a fun time catching up.

     A girl ask guy announcement came on for the next song and I didn't know any of the boys really so my friends dared me to ask this buff looking cowboy that was to school for cool leaning against a car. I remember he had the whole look going from the boots to the plaid shirt and cowboy hat. I said you know what I will take that bet (little did I know that these girls knew this guy pretty well) I went up to him and said
   "hey, would you like to dance" sticking out my hand for him to grab he replied "Sure" I wasn't really happy with his tone but oh well off we went. He was really shy.... so I asked most of the question and tried to get him to do most of the talking, the song was a slow one so that made it easy.

     I found out that he was moving down to the valley to go to school and I told him I could show him around the college if he needed as I had been attending there for a while. He didn't say much but he was cute it was a fun dance. When the song ended I said "thank you for the dance" and walked away.

    The night went on and a fast song came on my friend and raced over to him because we knew he was strong and could do lifts with us and stuff sadly my friend one...  I was sad but went and danced with the guy I came up with. Later though he probably felt bad for me and came and asked me to dance a fast song. We danced surprisingly well together and I him looking strong I let him do lifts with me it was fun.

   Here is where I do not know what got into me... I was getting ready to leave the dance and the popular song "CALL ME MAYBE" came on. I don't know if it was the fact that I was slap happy or if my friends daring me got to me but either way I ran up to him took his phone from his pocket and sang "hey I just met you and this is crazy but here's my number so call me maybe" and I ran off to the ccar never to be seen again. With his bad memory to this day I still don't know how he felt about that but oh well.

Friday, January 10, 2014

The Infinite Power of HOPE

"Hope has the power to fill our lives with happiness"
    There was a big change in my little eleven year old fairy-tale life but with my amazing strong Mom we pushed forward. With all three of us getting jobs at Milano's Music and my brother and I striving to continue in our education, we began to slowly heal our hearts. Time went fast and day by day we got closer and once again had many changes in our lives. I started my teenage years and my brother got called to the Hawaii Honolulu mission where he would serve two years for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is all free given time as they are not paid, it is pure service and amazing thing these young men and women do. I went into the eighth grade and we moved houses to a different part of mesa where I had to start at a new school.  The area we moved into was fantastic and I made many friends. Throughout the years, I continued to play the Flute and Piano which was a great blessing and still is this day in the healing process of loosing my Dad.

   My Mom was and is so strong, back then I remember she worked three jobs and still made an effort in helping me continue to grow up and help me with the things that I needed; as well as my brother. She had no intention of dating again and didn't really like the idea of it. Well our good family friend had a different idea. Long story short at the end of my Junior year my mom got married again and my life once again changed pretty dramatically..... I am not going to lie I was upset at first. I tried to not show it but I was... who was this guy.. he wasn't my dad and now I have all these other siblings. I was confused and hurt. I am grateful for the Gospel, for the power of prayer, and for the healing process of the Atonement; as well as my amazing friends that would cry with me and laugh with me as this change indeed happened.

    As time went on things got better, my step dad turned out to be really kind, he treated my mom amazingly and my brother and I as one of his own. I am grateful for him and for all he does for our family. I know that my dad up in Heaven loves me and I can feel him often. I know that it is still a challenge for me and it always will be but everyday I learn to get better and better.

I know have my loving mom, my step dad and six siblings that bring me joy and many funny memories. What can I say my life is coming back together. We are one big, crazy, happy family. I love them all so much!